
Snake Chafing Dish

one of viper-guoshanfeng(过山峰)

few gecko, one guoshanfeng are all in this chafing dish.

The Gecko(蛤蚧)
Ha-ha do you feel they nausea, though they looks cause they taste very good .Yesterday we're go to a restaurant in panyu after we leave the Safari park.The restaurrant call " Hui ji "(辉记),this shop is famous by inexpensive. the Gecko is cooked very fast and the meat is very tender. The viper is also good but need some time to be cooked.

4 条评论:

匿名 说...

To lengthen thy life,lessen thy meals.

joy 说...

snake! gecko?? *faints*

Unknown 说...

ekkkkk!!!!! gecko!!!! :S


匿名 说...

wow! isn't this against conservation?